Career Development

Constantly improve your skills to evolve: 6 tips

To progress in your career, it is essential that you improve your skills . Evolution must be constant, since the dedicated professional never stops studying and updating himself in relation to the market.

It is worth realizing, after all, that there is always something to learn. Even if there is advanced knowledge in a certain skill, there is certainly room for improvement and deepening under the premise of becoming an even more complete professional.

But what is the best way to level up these skills? We bring you some tips that can help you, not only with your career itself, but also with your personal development.

The importance of improving your skills

Improving skills is a path to professional growth. In an increasingly globalized and technological world, competition in the job market is fierce. Raising the level of skills can make a professional more competitive, increasing the chances of standing out.

Furthermore, this improvement often leads to opportunities for career advancement. Whether looking for a new position, a promotion or a career change, high-level skills can offer the necessary difference to achieve your professional goals.

It is worth noting that more advanced or specialized skills are often rewarded with higher salaries. In addition to professional benefits, acquiring additional knowledge and skills can be a source of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

Improve your skills: step by step

The process of improving a skill can require planning, research and dedication, so it doesn’t necessarily happen overnight.

It is also important to remember that each professional has their own time. What may take one person a few weeks to learn may take others several months — and that’s okay!

Below, we bring you some tips on how to improve the skills that are usually part of your daily work routine, so that you can achieve high performance and open doors in your career:

1 – Take advantage of technology

We are in the age of technology. Access to information has never been easier, and in this case of improving skills, it comes in completely handy. Taking advantage of all the resources that the internet has available is bringing modernity to your advantage.

Therefore, watch videos on platforms like YouTube — tutorials can be complete and help you understand in a more practical way about the skill you are looking to develop or improve — and read articles from professionals in your field.

2 – Learn from more experienced professionals

It is no longer a secret for professionals that maintaining a good network of contacts can be a real ally for your career. Meeting more experienced employees and asking for advice and help regarding a certain skill is also an effective method of acquiring knowledge in a practical way.

Many people are embarrassed to ask for help or admit that they still have something to learn. Don’t be one of them! Asking is not synonymous with inability and should not be viewed negatively. On the contrary: answering questions shows that you are engaged and want to improve.

3 – Manage time to optimize learning

The organization allows professionals to use their time efficiently and focus on activities that promote personal and professional development.

With this in mind, the tip is to set aside specific blocks of time in your schedule for learning and developing skills. This may include reading or practicing specific skills.

4 – Get out of theory: practice

Of course, theoretical knowledge is the basis for developing any skill, but you don’t need to stick to theory. To truly absorb that learning, one tip is to resort to practice. The saying goes: practice makes perfect.

Thus, combine theoretical and practical studies to achieve a positive effect on improving the skill in question. It is only by getting your hands dirty that doubts arise and knowledge becomes concrete.

5 – Beware of distractions and procrastination

We often don’t realize it, but distractions — especially social media, by the way — are very accessible, making the task of concentrating much more difficult.

Don’t fall for it! Procrastination will only make it take longer to complete a task that really shouldn’t take that long.

Use time management methods such as pomodoro (in which you do the activity in 25 minutes and leave around five minutes to take a break) and put away your cell phone while you are developing the skill in question.

6 – Studies allow you to improve your skills

Studies allow you to improve your skills. From short-term courses to more elaborate ones, the idea is not to stop studying. For example: a postgraduate degree in Engineering helps develop project management, area-specific advanced tools and technologies, and data-driven decisions. Align the desired knowledge and do the post that helps to develop them.

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