Career Development

Blank page in your career: building your professional future

If you’re just starting out, your career is still a blank page , ready to be filled with a bright future. But what can you do to build your professional future? How to get the necessary experience? The idea of ​​needing to answer so many questions can be scary, but we help you take it one step at a time!

The important thing is not to despair and build your presence in the job market calmly and thoughtfully. After all, it is the choices that help you follow your path and making impulsive decisions may not generate the expected results.

Therefore, from now on, we emphasize the importance of good research and self-knowledge to start filling in the lines of your story in the best possible way.

How to build your professional future

Your professional future is built little by little, as you achieve your first things: college, then your diploma, your first internship in the field, your first job.

It is worth observing your trajectory with the view that each step is important. Every achievement should be celebrated, no matter how small it may seem.

1 – Know yourself

The first step towards building a professional journey is understanding who you are as a person. What do you like to do? What are your greatest talents? Answering these questions can help you look for what will make you happy.

For example: if you really like talking, you know that public speaking is not something that scares you and that writing is also one of your skills, communication could be the career made for you.

Therefore, the first step is to analyze each of the possibilities (journalism, public relations, advertising), research in depth and narrow down to understand where you want to build your career.

Knowing yourself is also important for improving your skills, as you have a clearer idea of ​​your potential and the things you do most successfully.

2 – Attend lectures and fairs

For those just starting out, lectures, workshops and fairs can be conducive environments for learning and building a promising future.

It is the right opportunity to meet more experienced professionals and to have a more realistic perception of the area in which you intend to work.

To do this, it is worth paying attention to social media and looking for the nearest events. Talking to potential colleagues (even college friends, for example) also helps to stay informed about similar initiatives.

3 – Build a network of contacts

The famous networking, that is, the network of contacts, is essential for every professional. For those who are just starting out on their journey into the job market, it’s no different — to tell the truth, it could be even more important.

What happens is that building a network of experienced people can trigger several benefits, such as partnerships or referrals, which have a positive impact on your job opportunities.

4 – Know the area in which you intend to work

Before entering an area, you need to know the positive and negative points. Here, it is worth doing in-depth research. Watch videos of professionals in the field, try to talk to someone who is part of this profession and listen to the voice of experience.

It is worth considering all the risks involved in the area you intend to enter. What difficulties have professionals in this niche faced? What do you need to do to stand out in this career? Try to answer questions like this.

5 – Recognize that errors are part of

As important as it is to do your research to make as few mistakes as possible, there will always be obstacles in your way. Know that making mistakes is part of it. The important thing is to use this experience as a learning experience so you don’t make the same mistake next time.

6 – Learn to work as a team

It can be a real challenge, but working as a team is something you can’t avoid. Therefore, the more experience you get, the easier it will be to deal with the teams you will be part of throughout your career.

If you have in mind a future in which you lead a team, knowing how to share roles with other people is even more necessary. After all, to manage a team, you first need to know how to be part of one.

7 – Keep constant learning in mind

Listen carefully to feedback from managers and know how to use it to grow your career. Constructive criticism can be a great ally in boosting your presence in the market.

Even if your career is a blank page, it’s never time to stop learning and evolving. Start your learning journey with Nano courses , and don’t stop studying.

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