Career Development

What is LinkedIn URL? How to find it? Whats the matter?

Do you know what a LinkedIn URL is ? The largest professional network on the internet today has more than 890 million users in 200 countries and helps connect professionals and companies around the globe. As a digital platform, each person has their identity, defined by the URL, that is, the link address.

“URL” is the internationally standardized term to define the address of a page. It is the “dot com” name of a website, and can change according to differences such as country or type of organization. In USA, for example, websites end in “dot us”, while government-related sites end in “dot org”.

This address is unique and serves as a digital identity. It is common to find links full of randomly placed letters and numbers, but even if they look similar, they never have the same sequence.

These random codes also tend to appear on LinkedIn when creating an account. Thus, whoever registers on the platform has an address like:, followed by these letters.

The importance of the URL on LinkedIn

In the same way as on social networks generally focused on personal activities, such as Instagram or Twitter, the address is a way of identifying the profile. Thus, whoever is going to share Instagram indicates the name in the URL.

For company branding , defining an address is essential to strengthen and disseminate the brand and also offers more relevance to the profile. For a LinkedIn profile, the logic is the same: a personalized URL improves professional reputation . Check out some reasons to opt for a personalized URL on LinkedIn:

Provides more credibility

Personalizing the page makes the profile look even more professional. It shows that the person has invested time in their page and that they are dedicated to the image they convey to potential recruiters, therefore, it is a way to stand out from competitors.

Help with positioning

The URL is part of SEO techniques, which makes websites stand out in searches. There are several notes raised by the search network, which include the use of keywords, text size and structure of sentences and paragraphs, among others.

For the URL, the tip is to be specific, making it easier when someone searches. With LinkedIn, the concept is the same. Having a suitable URL helps you find a professional by name and can even rank them higher when someone does a specific search.

Improves reputation

Working on your professional image is important for professionals who want to be recognized in the market and become a reference. To do this, it is necessary to make good contacts and maintain an active exchange network with other professionals. LinkedIn is ideal for this and the better presented the profile is, the more likely it is to receive this recognition. A custom URL is part of this process and helps with reputation.

How do I find my LinkedIn link?

Despite the importance of personalizing the connection, some may question, “How do I know my LinkedIn link?”The technique for discovering the link is quite basic, as shown step by step below:

  • Log in with your email and password
  • When accessing, click on “me” in the top bar, on the right side
  • When the tab opens, click on “view profile”

The URL can be viewed in three ways: above, at the page address itself, by clicking on “contact information”, just below the name and professional description or on the right sidebar, under “public profile and URL”.

There is no secret to changing the LinkedIn URL either. Still in the sidebar where the profile is indicated, there is also a pencil icon, a button that indicates content editing. Upon clicking, the user will be redirected to another page where they can make the change.

In the application, the process is similar. When entering the app, you need to click on your profile photo and then on “view profile”. From there, the process is the same.

How to share LinkedIn link

Sharing this link is also very simple. On the desktop, you can just copy the link from the address bar, or from any of the paths indicated above. Through the app, you can also share directly on another communication platform, such as WhatsApp, SMS or other social networks.

When accessing the profile, there is a button with three dots (…). When you click, there is the “share by” option that allows you to send the link.

How to customize your LinkedIn profile

To have a prominent profile on the professional network, it is necessary to consider some issues, such as an adequate profile photo, with a neutral background and focus on the face, a brief but complete description of skills and competencies, a description of the activities carried out in professional experiences, indication academic training and URL.

To define the address, choose the first and last name, and add a letter, either from a second name or surname, or even a word that helps with identification. Now that you know what a LinkedIn URL is and its importance, update your profile and find new career opportunities.

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