
Talent and potential: How to identify these professionals in companies?

Generally, from the moment of selecting professionals, the human resources team searches for the best talents on the job market. The idea is to hire employees who have a high delivery potential and who can take on highly complex demands.

Once this professional is already part of the company’s workforce, it is the role of the leadership in each area to identify members who stand out with talent and potential. To achieve this, it is important to analyze the worker’s performance , profile and behavior when carrying out their activities.

In general, some professionals will demonstrate exceptional skills to carry out the demands required by their position, while others will demonstrate that they have the necessary skills to take on more responsibilities.

What is talent within a company?

Talent within a company is that professional who stands out among other employees, mainly because they have important qualities for the development of the functions that are expected within the scope of the position.

These people have sharp skills for certain activities and, therefore, perform them perfectly. Furthermore, they often demonstrate the ability to improve their deliveries and further contribute to the company’s growth.

What is the difference between professionals with talent and professionals with potential?

It is exactly this possibility of doing more than expected for the position that differentiates talent and potential. Most examples of talent are those very efficient professionals who fulfill the demands expected for their role and the objectives of the area in which they work, standing out from the rest.

For them to grow and acquire even more skills , leadership needs to invest in this employee, guiding them to develop their skills and, little by little, giving them more freedom to work.

The objective is for this worker to be able to deliver the best of themselves and make the most of their talent. It is also the role of leadership to observe the performance of this employee, analyzing the results delivered and growth over a period.

On the other hand, there are professionals who demonstrate, in addition to mastering routine demands, an ability to assume greater responsibilities. Managers are able to identify in these employees the possibility of carrying out more complex activities, for example, team leadership.

Another important point is that a potential is a talent that has already been evaluated and has proven, through performance indicators , that it has the necessary skills to face new challenges in the company. Therefore, these employees show that they can reach higher positions and bring even better results to the business.

What are the career development programs that help transform Talents into Potentials?

As discussed in the previous item, a potential is a talent that has already been evaluated and guided by leadership to achieve its best and optimize its deliveries and performance .

Therefore, companies can identify their main talents in order to make them employees with high growth potential. There are some ways to achieve these results. Among them are:

Job Rotation

One of the ways to develop talent is to promote job rotation , that is, a rotation between sectors or functions. Thus, the worker has the opportunity to develop different functions and activities, alternating responsibilities and acquiring knowledge and skills complementary to their initial scope.


Mentoring – which can be carried out by internal professionals or specialized companies – aims to promote professional growth, through a practical process.

Typically, a more experienced professional passes on his knowledge to the mentee, working in a specialized way to meet the employee’s specific needs.


Providing a coaching process is also a way to develop talent within the company. The professional coach will understand what the limiting factors are for that worker’s growth. Furthermore, it will help employees find their full potential, develop their skills and identify areas for improvement.

Internal and external training

Training and courses are also important tools for transforming talent into potential .

Those responsible for people management need to pay close attention to the needs of the business and, therefore, outline a strategy for developing professionals through internal or external training.

These courses need to be related to the skills that need improvement.

Assessment processes

This process aims to make people management more efficient and allows the company to make adjustments between employees and the functions performed, in order to fully exploit the potential of each professional.

Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation is important to understand whether talents are delivering what is expected of each professional and to identify employees who have the potential to go further or take on new responsibilities.

Main characteristics of professionals with high potential talents

Of course, some skills and qualities are natural to human beings, however, some characteristics can be improved or acquired to become a high potential talent. Check it out below

Clear understanding of the company’s cultural and organizational values

To stand out within the company, it is important to know and understand the cultural and organizational values ​​of the business. The so-called cultural fit is essential for professionals to identify with the company’s purpose so that they do not become unmotivated or do not understand the importance of their work.

Skills to deal with complexity

One of the most important characteristics to be a high-potential talent is knowing how to deal with the most complex situations. The level of maturity, analytical skills and ability to adapt to adverse scenarios is essential to assume higher positions and responsibilities.

Great learning capacity

Another important point is that professionals who stand out have a high learning capacity. The market is constantly updating, which makes it necessary to develop new skills and competencies frequently. Therefore, being a high-potential talent requires an ability to acquire new knowledge.

How can a company train its employees to develop professionals with talent and potential?

In addition to the paths that each professional can take individually to develop, companies can also invest in employees with talent and potential. Some possible actions are:

Invest in training

Invest in frequent training both in specific skills for each role and in leadership, interpersonal communication and other important characteristics for great talents.

Promote corporate education

Having a corporate education program is another way to improve skills and increase knowledge of potential talent. Invest, for example, in specific platforms for this purpose.

Offer teamwork

Teamwork is an important tool for developing new skills and abilities, as it allows an exchange between employees who have different experiences and requires an ability to adapt and interact with other professionals.

Value employees

No employee will use their full potential if they do not feel valued by their employer. Therefore, invest in improving the organizational climate so that professionals feel valued. This way, the worker will be more motivated to perform their role and acquire new knowledge.

Encourage the formation of leaders

To become a leader, you need to have specific skills and many of them can be developed. Promote activities to train and identify potential leaders among the company’s talents.

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