Digital Marketing

Marketing and Sales: 7 trends you need to keep up with

The internet has transformed many aspects of our existence. Perhaps one of the most significant shifts is in customer behavior, which now plays a central role in business partnerships. To tackle the problems of the Age of the Customer, specializations have evolved within marketing, with some techniques made feasible by the usage of cloud technology.

Consumer 3.0, as some call this new profile, has several research sources and can make comparisons based on various criteria (price, quality, proximity, recommendation), be in contact with other consumers to compare impressions and obtain both recommendations and reviews.

Therefore, to achieve sales conversion and make customers loyal, it is important that you are aware of new marketing and sales trends. We selected 8 of them below. Check out!

1. Artificial Intelligence

Not so new, Artificial Intelligence already exists and is used in our daily lives. Although Hollywood films have painted a rather dark picture of this technology, there is no need to be afraid of it.

Technological development has provided us with a lot of data production. In fact, the estimate is that, in the last 2 years, humanity has produced 90% of all data ever made in its entire history.

Interactions on the internet, people’s searches, their habits and characteristics are there and can be used in Marketing strategies. The problem is that it would be humanly impossible to understand and categorize this absurd amount of information, and common programs do not have the insight or thought to be able to understand and learn from them. That’s where Artificial Intelligence comes in and its potential to transform the world of marketing .

2. Content targeting

It is increasingly possible to direct content to the potential target audience for its consumption. In the past, when advertising was broadcast, you launched an “atomic bomb” of information in order to hit a few targets.

Although effective, this type of marketing had two problems: it was more complicated to obtain return on investment metrics and it could cause discomfort to those who were not even remotely interested in your product. With the possibility of directing marketing content, your campaign acts like a sniper, aiming at a target. Greater savings and better return.

3. Horizontalized relationship

The consumer of the digital age is no longer a passive entity. He wants to have a voice, be able to relate and assert himself as the ultimate objective of the marketing and sales relationship. If before marketing was only done unilaterally, from the brand to the consumer, now the consumer is also co-responsible for the dissemination and reach of the product.

Consumer influence, whether through a like, comment, share or other form of interaction, has become essential. The relationship, which was previously vertical, is becoming increasingly horizontal.

And this horizontality makes it necessary for companies to develop customer service marketing techniques , with faster and more personalized resolution. One of the biggest trends in marketing and sales is, therefore, knowing how to relate well with consumers.

4. Humanized service

The trend towards humanized care is an offshoot of the horizontal relationship and is already a reality . Consumers treated coldly, or by mere robotic electronic contact, will not be satisfied and this can ruin their relationship with the company.

Humanized service is a form of treatment that, without losing professionalism, seeks to solve problems quickly, efficiently, cordially and empathetically, respond to criticisms and suggestions or simply give a personalized response to contact.

Remember the first point, about Artificial Intelligence? Here it also applies. It is possible, through AI virtual assistants, for example, to achieve humanized service. It’s about suggesting to customer service the answer your customer needs to hear.

5. Relevance and results

Most large companies have reformulated their marketing contracts based on achieving positive metrics and indicators. This means that contracts are no longer based on the campaign or the work carried out, but rather on the results achieved. This is a direct result of the vast possibilities of measuring customer acquisition costs (CAC), return on investment (ROI), conversion rate, etc.

In other words, one of the current marketing trends is to prioritize the relevance of content and the results achieved.

6. Synchronicity

Imagine an app aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle. It takes care of diet, calories, exercise and everything a person could need to achieve the goal of getting in better shape.

To do this, he could, for example, determine the best route to work, ensuring that the person already exercises in their routine and that, on the route, there is a restaurant or cafe with the food on their diet.

Synchronicity, that is, the possibility of providing apps and other programs that can take care of different aspects of a person’s life, with recommendations and suggestions, is one of the strong trends in the marketing and sales relationship.

7. Customer Experience

Finally, the main trend in current marketing to provide better sales, engagement and consumer loyalty is to invest in the customer experience. Based, for example, on the customer journey , it is possible to predict and orchestrate how the relationship with the consumer will take place.

If you understand well, all the previous trends are nothing more than ways to optimize the customer experience.

Satisfied consumers share your brand on their social networks, engage in recognition and become loyal, ensuring a captive audience. Therefore, this experience must be as complete as possible, from attraction to after-sales. And if done correctly, it is one of the greatest assets your company can achieve.

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