Digital Marketing

Lead magnets: how do they help attract qualified leads?

Attracting the right people is essential for any company that wants to increase sales and achieve more growth. To achieve this, there are several marketing strategies that can be applied to the business. Today, we’re going to talk about one of them, digital magnets .

If your idea is to “fish” for potential customers on the internet and bring them closer to your business, this can be a very useful tool. In this article, we will explain better how it works, what are the main types of bait and other details on the subject. Check out.

What are lead magnets?

Digital magnets are high-value tools used in the inbound marketing strategy to “hook” the target audience and transform them into qualified leads .

The strategy consists of offering rich content for free , in exchange for some user data. This way, the company obtains important information to evolve the sales funnel and begin conversion work.

The difference between digital magnets and other inbound content is precisely the quality of the material offered. The idea is for the content to be more complex, educational and in-depth, so that the user sees the value of the proposal and understands that it is worth registering to obtain the desired information.

How do lead magnets help attract qualified leads?

Attracting people to your business is the core of every content strategy . The idea behind investing in inbound is precisely to capture leads and transform them into customers . In this context, using digital magnets is of great help, as they help bring leads closer to your product and measure the public’s interest in what you offer.

More than simply attracting an audience to your business, the digital magnet strategy also helps you find qualified leads , that is, those people who are really interested in your market.

This is because the content offered is more in-depth, and will generate interest precisely in those audiences who want more information about a certain product or service, that is, potential customers.

A company that generates more leads guarantees greater sales potential . This way, by including rich content in your strategy, you increase the chances of conversion and, consequently, the financial return.

What are the types of digital magnets?

There are several digital magnet models that can be used in your marketing strategy . Choosing the right type will largely depend on the objective of the strategy and the business model.

Imagine you work in the supply of medical equipment, for example. In this case, offering access to a live webinar, showing the functionalities and differences of each equipment, can be a good strategy to attract the attention of hospitals and clinics.

Create more efficient marketing campaigns with marketing automation


You’ve probably seen this bait format before. It is perhaps the most popular in inbound strategies . Traditionally, e-books are guides , with more in-depth content on a given subject.

They come to complement information available in blog posts or on social networks and bring a more technical and advanced perception of the topic covered. In order for the user to be able to download the e-book, they normally need to complete a registration on a landing page , providing their email and other requested data.


Webinars are online video lectures . Typically, they are done live, which allows for greater interaction between the speaker and participants. In this model, the user must register, which will act as a registration for the webinar.

It is important to remember that video content has a huge appeal on the internet and can be more attractive than reading material . Another advantage of webinars is that they can be recorded and used later in other marketing strategies .

Infographics and checklists

These are more dynamic and practical bait models , with short but valuable information. The distinguishing feature of this type of material must be its aesthetic appeal, which is why it is worth enlisting the help of a good designer.

As in the case of e-books, infographics and checklists must be delivered to the user after filling out a simple form. When producing the material, it is important to be concise in the information, to make reading easier.


Creating material kits is a way to make your bait much more attractive to leads, without requiring such a large investment . In this case, the strategy consists of bringing together various materials already released on a given topic and delivering them to the user.

The ideal is to create a diverse collection on the subject, with videos, texts and supporting materials. Even though the content is not new, the fact that it is all gathered and compiled in the same place makes the bait richer.

How to distribute your digital magnets?

After defining the type of bait that will be used, it’s time to start distributing it to capture leads. But how to do this? You can use three main tools:

●      Landing Pages: these are specific capture pages with a main call, a description of the material that will be downloaded, a form and an action button (Call-to-Action);

●      Pop-ups: these are windows that open in the browser when the user accesses a certain page or tries to leave your website. They may already contain the form or direct the user to the landing page ;

● Forms: another alternative is to insert the form directly on the pages of your website or blog.

After filling out the form to download the material, the lead is usually directed to a thank you page and inserted into the email nutrition flow . From then on, in addition to the digital magnet, he will also receive other emails that will direct him through the sales funnel until a possible conversion.

In conclusion, lead magnets are powerful tools for attracting qualified leads , increasing the lead’s proximity to the product or service and ensuring greater conversion potential.

If you don’t feel prepared to create such complete and attractive content, it’s worth counting on the support of a specialized inbound agency , which will guarantee the quality of the materials.

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