Career Development

In the age of authenticity, how to be yourself in your career?

It is increasingly necessary to understand the importance of being yourself in your career , especially considering that we are in the age of authenticity. At the same time as customers look for a brand that is innovative, corporate brands look for employees who are spontaneous and authentic.

Authenticity may not be an easy task for some people, as it requires self-knowledge and a level of confidence that not all professionals possess. But there is no reason to be discouraged: these are easily achievable traits. Want to know more about the topic? Continue reading!

The importance of being yourself in your career

An authentic professional is generally aligned with your values, interests and skills, something that contributes to building a solid foundation for professional development. In practice, being true to yourself can trigger several benefits.

In other words, it involves not only seeking to work in an area that corresponds to your true personality, which leads to professional satisfaction and avoids emotional exhaustion. This way, the professional has a much greater chance of finding a job that provides happiness.

It is worth mentioning that authenticity is directly linked to creativity and innovation, aspects that are very popular — therefore, creative professionals have an advantage compared to others.

Acting in accordance with your true nature also strengthens resilience, that is: the ability to face professional challenges. This is because professionals who have self-knowledge tend to remain true to themselves in difficult times.

How to be yourself in your career

Adhering to certain behaviors can make the path towards authenticity easier. The important thing is to understand that it is not an achievement that comes overnight: it involves dedication to yourself, self-perception and self-criticism.

1 – Know your strengths and weaknesses

The first step to becoming an authentic professional is knowing your own strengths and weaknesses. This way, you will know exactly what is within your abilities and what still needs to be learned.

Being convinced of your talent and the areas that most attract your attention also makes all the difference in building a career. It’s important to know where you want to go, otherwise the professional won’t move.

2 – Create short, medium, and long-term goals.

Knowing who you are is the first step to being honest with yourself and focusing on authenticity. And as we already mentioned, keeping your career goal in mind is essential to knowing when and how to leave your comfort zone.

With this professional intention in mind, set short, medium and long-term goals. What do you plan to do over the weeks, months and years to advance your career? What requirements can help you? For all intents and purposes, do your research. Good research around the market in question is of great help.

But to avoid feelings of frustration, these goals must be set realistically. Talk to people in the niche you are targeting and create a plan based on the information you gather.

3 – Accept your characteristics

In addition to knowing themselves, the professional must accept themselves. This means realizing that no one is perfect and understanding that all human beings are subject to error and peculiarities. One tip is to question self-critical thoughts when they arise.

Ask yourself if they are realistic and based on solid evidence. Focus on the things you like about yourself and the achievements you’ve had throughout your life. This can help improve your self-image.

It is also worth warning that constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy. It’s essential to remember that each person is unique, and you don’t need to be like anyone other than yourself.

4 – Avoid the obvious, from the beginning

The authentic professional should not be afraid to swim against the tide. Originality must be present from the beginning. During the selection process, avoid stating the obvious and answer exactly what matches your personality.

Of course, it is important to consider your answers and follow the standard of formality required by the situation, but even so, the professional must not abandon his essence.

5 – Be honest in your communication

Don’t be scared to say no or seek for assistance when necessary.Always be kind and respectful, but that does not mean you have to sacrifice your own desires to suit others.

6 – Knowledge is the key to authenticity

Nothing is more effective in achieving authenticity than constant learning. So, in addition to understanding the professional you are, you also seek evolution.

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