
3 steps to efficiently manage goals

You may already know that the structure of an action plan is guided by the objectives. When we propose a set of objectives for an organization, we structure a set of actions and activities that are necessary for us to achieve them.

One way to check whether we are heading in the right direction is to establish milestones that serve as a reference to indicate how far we are from those goals. These milestones are known as goals.

Goals are the way to make the proposed objectives tangible, being the measurable parameter to evaluate the performance of activities towards the established objectives. This analysis and evaluation of performance in relation to goals takes place through KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

To establish such goals, the ideal is to evaluate your company’s ability to take on challenges and market information in order to establish goals that are challenging, but achievable. To prevent them from being seen negatively, as demanding performance that is incompatible with the company’s context and the team’s capabilities and, consequently, completely demotivating them.

Therefore, we will help you by suggesting 3 steps for you to set smart goals for your business objectives, inspiring you and your team to achieve the expected results and increase your competitiveness. Check it out below!

Step by step: how to manage goals

1- Planning

How will the company move from its current position to its desired position? What are the short, medium and long term steps that will take you to your vision?

In strategic planning, you will outline the guidelines and actions that must be taken so that goals are achieved and your organization gets closer to its general objectives. Then, for each objective, break down its respective actions and milestones.

To achieve this, the goals must actually be achievable and objective. Pay attention to this, as overly ambitious goals, contrary to what many managers imagine, will not make employees try harder, but will make them become discouraged and unmotivated, damaging results.

Remember to consider three crucial factors: human capital, financial resources and time. Some methodologies are available to help you in this process, two of which are SMART goals and 5W2H.


To establish smart goals, the SMART methodology proposes that you set goals that meet these 5 requirements:

  • Specific (Specific);
  • Measurable;
  • Achievable;
  • Relevant;
  • Well-defined deadline (Time-based).

An example: Increase revenue for service X by 10% in the next 12 months.


How to achieve this? Time to design the path for teams to understand how to achieve the proposed goals. Here, the 5W2H methodology can be used:

  • What: what to do = objectives/goals;
  • Why: why do it = strategic importance of the results to be achieved;
  • Where: where it will be done = places where the actions will take place;
  • Who: who will do = definition of team members;
  • When: when to do = delivery deadlines and schedule;
  • How: how to do it = what methodologies, software and other tools will be used;
  • How much: how much = expected budget.

Finally, in addition to defining your goals, you must also define performance indicators, that is, the ways to monitor, evaluate and measure the development and results relating to each goal.

2- Implementation

At this point, the action plan is put into practice. To avoid generating doubts and confusion, the manager must communicate and align among the entire team the goals to be worked on, the reasons why they were defined and what must be done by each person to achieve them.

This is essential so that everyone is fully aware of their role and importance, feeling engaged and committed to the expected results. If necessary, enable the team to be trained to use a new tool. When everyone knows what to do, how and when, the team’s productivity is infinitely greater.

You can develop gamification strategies or rewards campaigns to further stimulate teams in the search for better results.

3- Monitoring

One of the most important phases of task management, monitoring results is vital to identify failures along the way and correct them before they become significant problems or losses.

It is common for doubts or difficulties to arise during the execution of tasks, therefore monitoring and feedback meetings with employees must take place at certain intervals. Goal management requires good internal communication and transparency to generate good results.

This will enable managers and teams to find new solutions and make the necessary adjustments to get back on track.

The use of software with performance metrics so that everyone can access and monitor the evolution of results is also an excellent way to generate and intensify everyone’s commitment.

Benefits of well-executed indicator management

To lead your company to growth, increasing its competitiveness and valuing it among your target audience and investors, well-executed goal management will be vital. In practice, the strategy has a series of benefits, such as:

  • Greater clarity of the organization’s priorities;
  • Better communication between teams;
  • Clearer vision of the future and purpose;
  • More employee satisfaction and engagement;
  • Better assessment of organizational and people performance;
  • Crisis management capacity;
  • Better structured projects with better delivery prospects;
  • Increased productivity.

Therefore, if you want to develop goals that lead to effective results in your organization, be sure to follow the step-by-step guide we brought you in this article!

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